2018. február 1., csütörtök

My travel is dedicated to Janet Barnstable.

Mégnincskész oldal...

Hát ez még zavaros lesz. Nem tudom, hogyan és mit írjak, csak érthetetlen , feldolgozhatatlan...
Szerettem Janettet, nagyon
Ő volt nekem az én  "e-mother"

Kedves Janet,
Na, látod, akkor most magyarul írok neked. Eddig mindig angolul beszélgettünk, na most, akkor váltsunk magyarra.
Tudom, olvasod, és érted.
Na, akkor elmondom. megjártam. Elmentem, egyedül, ott voltam, láttam, éreztem, gondoltam, adtam, kaptam, tanultam....…és igazad volt. Ezt látni kell.
Olyan jó, hogy vagy nekem. Nekünk. Igen , 10 évvel ezelőtt kezdődött barátságunk. Illetve, olyan vagy nekem, mint a e-anyukám. Jó kifejezés, nem? Én találtam ki:-))) Nekem teszik. Te segítettél, motiváltál, tettél engem ( is ) erre a nemzetközi útra. De jó , hogy ott voltál velem. Mint egy patrónus. Ha gondom volt, segítettél, biztattál.
Igen, vitáztunk is. Mi az a diversity? Nálunk még akkor nem volt, Na , am már van. Meg a más bőrűek . Igen, már ez is van. Minden van, csak akkor még nem volt.
Meg akkor a Global Virtual Classroom versenye. De jó volt ott partnereket találni.
És Katherine, Írtad, valamikor novemberben, hogy elment. Pedig hogy szerettük kiscica volt:-) Világhíres. Világszeretett. Volt.
Ha kellettél, mindig voltál nekem.
Az út után alig várom, hogy meséljek neked.
Igen, a többiek tanácsolták, hogy azért csak meséljek. Biztos látod, és olvasod.
Na, janet, akkor itt ez a  blog, itt van minden élmény.
De szép szivárványt küldtél nekem. Jöttem haza a repcsivel , és fent a szárny alatt volt egy gyönyörú, kerek szivárvány. Tuti te küldted nekem.
Akkor hazaértem. De jóóó!!!
Végre net közelben. Tudod, Janet, ez az, amit hiányoltam, de kibírtam.
És akkor , épp akkor kaptam Kim-tól, Elefántcsont parkból egy levelet.
Nem tudtam végigolvasni, válaszolni meg egyáltalán nem tudtam.
Na, mi van, akkor mégegyszer, uccu, olvasni

Hello all,

My students and I worked with you and yours in past Global Virtual Classroom projects. Tonight we learned of the passing of our program manager and friend, Janet Barnstable. Perhaps you have already heard, but just in case, I thought I'd share with you a google doc created by Steve Sherman of Living Maths, Cape Town, South Africa. He set it up so we could post tributes. 

Steve wrote: 
"Janet and her husband, Richard Barnstable died tragically during a fire at their home.  I am devastated and upset.  The education community and the global teaching community have lost an icon.  Janet was my mentor and was always quick to offer guidance during my humble start experimenting with Edtech.  She ran well organised global collaboration projects and united students and teachers from all over the world. We were just planning to get together this June for a garden party! I know that my colleagues and I will miss her dearly.  I have put together a google doc for those of you that would like to add a tribute to her and to mention the impact that she had on you.  Kindly share this google doc with anyone you know who might have worked with "

Janet touched my and my students' lives in countless ways.
She will be missed.

I hope all is well with each of you.

Janet, akkor most mi van?
Nem értem, vagy nem akarom érteni.
Elmentél? Nem vártad meg, hogy hazajöjjek? Janet, te már 22-én elmentél???
Jujj, Janet, mit olvasok? Mi történ? 2018-ban van ilyen????
Valahogy a hír az csikágói híradóban:
Éjjel egy autós füstött látot egy házból feltörni. Odavezetett, de már nem tudott mit tenni. A tűzoltók két embert találtak a legégett házban, két 70 év körüli ember.
A szomszédok szerint visszahúzódott életet éltek. A nő nem tudott járni. Esélyük sem volt a menekülésre.
Nem tudják!!!! Nem tudták!!! te vagy a világ közepe. Ott ültél, és irányítottál, segítettél, mentoráltál Ausztráliától Amerikáig…onlne…tanárokat. Te voltál a  világ közepe.

2 killed in house fire in Addison
ADDISON, Ill. -- An elderly couple is dead after a house fire in west suburban Addison.
Flames broke out shortly after 2:30 a.m. Monday at a house on Ellsworth Avenue and Armitage.
Fire officials believe the fire started in the kitchen area of the home and moved up into the attic.
Neighbors say the couple lived in the house for about eight years, and kept to themselves.  They were in their 70's and the woman was handicapped.
They were found dead in the back bedroom.
Fire officials say there were no working smoke detectors inside the home.
They don't know what caused the fire, but the cause is not suspicious.

Itt az oldalunk:

Itt az utolsó közös munkánk...januárban...

Na, akkor írtunk…rólad…
Janet Barnstable Tribute

This is a document that has been jointly compiled by the international colleagues of the late Janet Barnstable.  Janet was an incredible educator with projects that collaborated with schools all over the world.  She was an edtech guru and contributed regularly to our international online community. She was respected and loved by the Hello Little World Skypers group, an international collection of teachers who connected daily through this skype group.  Each of the teachers will indicate how they benefited from connecting with her.


Veronica Woo Eu Cheng - TESL Teacher-cum- ICT Coordinator, MALAYSIA                      17

Steve Sherman, Cape Town - South Africa
Janet was a source of inspiration. Whenever I needed guidance or advice, she either had the information handy or she would point me in the right direction.  When I conducted my online interviews with interesting people, Janet would readily join in as a participant.  If I was giving a workshop and needed someone to demonstrate Global Collaboration with, Janet was always quick to volunteer.  With her beloved cat Catherine by her side, there were many sessions where my students were delighted to have Catherine join in. Janet was instrumental in the GVC website competition.  She worked with many students and teachers from every part of the world.  A true Icon has been lost. She will be missed!

Laima Ardaviciene, Kedainiai - Lithuania
Janet inspired my students to participate in Global Virtual Classroom website competition. Not only was she a good project manager but also a kind and hearty advisor. It was so important for her to connect as many countries as possible. With her open heart she was leading our world to Oneness. She wrote in her Skype: The World is Our Classroom. This classroom of students and educators lost a Great Teacher.

Jose Popoff, La Lima, Honduras
Janet was always a mouthful of fresh air to talk to.  She was so inspirational, so connected, and always willing to offer selfless help.  Never really retired, she was an example of love for what you do.  I remember during a lecture I was giving about technology and communication, I made her an example for motivation to my colleagues. This is definitively a sad loss but we trust that her work will go on through those students she made an impact on, and through us, the teachers who had in her a mentor, an aid, and a friend.  So long, amiga.  

Tatyana Chernaya, Moscow - Russia
I've lost a dear friend who was always there for me, Janet Barnstable. She sent me and my family beautiful cards and warm wishes, helped me solve any tech issues, taught my students and helped them overcome their disabilities, inspired me to participate in projects and then appreciated my contribution as a judge in GVC contests. She was always in a good mood and always ready to share a good joke. Always caring.
A place in my heart will forever be hers.
RIP Janet and Richard

Lorraine Leo, Boston, MA
Janet was the first person who I turned to when I needed a thoughtful, sensitive mentor when dealing with all kinds of tech and non-tech issues.  She was truly a friend.  She listened, shared her words of wisdom, her sense of humor, and her thoughtful suggestions.  I always felt she was there in my classroom when I needed her.  She was gentle and caring.  Words cannot seem to fill the page with my feelings to give her a proper tribute.  I will miss her dearly and will keep her and her husband in my prayers.

Kim Proctor Miller Piot, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
I am at a loss. I met Janet through the Global Virtual Classroom in 2009, and my students and I have participated every year since. Because of Janet, my kids connected with classrooms in the states, Hungary, India, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan...We’ve even met with astronauts! The thing is, Janet was not just a professional contact - she was a friend. She was a presence and a guide through some rough periods in my life. She has been a quiet, strong, current, gently guiding me down this path. She's been a champion and a mentor. My last great teacher. I thought maybe we would finally meet this summer. So sad that now, it can never happen. It is amazing how much a person can come to mean to you, and you don't even know it, until the shock of their loss. My prayers go out to her family and friends. I will miss her.
David Karnoscak Fifth Grade Teacher Northbrook,IL USA

I am devastated by this loss. I’ve had the opportunity to visit her and spend time with both of them. They both were truly amazing people. The entire education community is shocked at the loss of one of our fearless leaders. She was an icon for us all in the world of Global Education. Nothing, and I mean nothing, would stop that woman from collaborating with teachers around the world. I am so saddened by this loss. She had a lesson ready to go on a moment's notice with my students. She was never afraid to try something new and was a wealth of knowledge for all. I am forever grateful that I had the chance to work with her for these past 5-6 years. Peace to you in heaven. We shall one day see each other again. The photo below was take 4 years ago with Theresa Allen and Anna and her husband Mikhail Bukhtoyarova


Michael Graffin - Robotics Teacher -  Perth, Australia

Once again, I have lost a friend. A friend who I came to know over so many years online, yet never had the chance to meet face to face. Words can’t really do justice to Janet’s life, work, and presence, and I’m finding it difficult to try. Rest well my friend, until we meet again.

Sebastian Panakal, GeoGebra Institute of eSchool Kerala, India

Janet shall continue to inspire dozens of boys and girls she introduced Skype celebrations! Her grandchildren here shall miss her very much. She was an inspiration, in love with life, sharing and caring. Her birthday fell on 15 Aug, India Independence day. She would Skype India Independence Day Celebration in US when we cut her cake in in India - an Ambassador of love! Extra sweet milk for Catherine and cake her for her grandchildren!  She shall live forever in the hearts of her beloved grandchildren in India.

Vandana Aneja, DLDAV, Shalimar Bagh, India

Janet my friend, my mentor, my advisor, my guide, my support will stay alive in my mind and heart till my last breath. I feel honored and blessed to work with her. This summer, she invited me and my family to her place while I was in Chicago for two days. I couldn't meet her, because of the flight delay and promised to meet her on next visit. I regret not meeting her then. May the divine soul full of love and faith ascend to heaven. An irreplaceable loss.

Govinda (TriKa), Nepal
When I woke up in the middle of my sleep after a badly scary dream, my hand reached to login my fb. As soon as I opened my fb, I saw a post from Steve Sherman ( thank you Steve for tagging me) that saddened me more. It is a devastating loss in the edtech global collaboration. I am still shocked. I knew Janet 7 years ago online. She had been my quick edtech guidance/mentor. She was always encouraging, brilliant, kind and much more. We have now really lost an edtech icon. I'm so so saddened by her lost. She will definitely have place in heaven and I will be missing her. I express my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and friends. My prayers!

Cheryl Kemper,  Kentucky USA
Saddened and In disbelief. Learned this evening that friend Janet Barnstable, mentor and an amazing educator along with her husband Richard passed away. Janet was a pioneer in Global Education and instrumental in the Global Virtual Classroom bringing classrooms around the world closer and connecting educators.  Janet was a tireless champion for Global Education always with encouraging words and smile.  Always had time to help and guide anyone who asked.  I had the honor of meeting Janet and Richard at their lovely home.  They hosted my colleagues and I for dinner while we were in town for an educational conference.    I will miss this amazing lady and honored to have called her my friend.
Our visit 2015         Catherine                Janet & Richard’’s    As we all remember Janet online and
                              Their beloved cat           Garden                    coaching us to be our best.

Dondi Tóthné Bán Gyöngyi Hungary
Hello Janet!!!
See , I finally did it...yes...I travelled...and saw...and heard...and felt...Yes, finally I travelled to Delhi, meeting skype teachers face to face. As you suggested. Go! What  a dream!!! Just arrived home,... Yes, Janet...I was there!!! Really!! Incredible: meeting other culture.  I want to say thank you for all your help and inspiration  you gave me last years. You were one who helped me from first time  and motivated me in my first steps in collaborating works.
Janet, you see,  visiting other culture was an  extremely great fun. I am going to tell  you everything next days...weeks..just waiting for waking up.
I know you can see me and hear me, but I shall write it, ok? I am planning a  blogspot to write.
This blogspot will be dedicated to an excellent teacher.
On my flight home I saw a rainbow from my plane window. It must have been you.
Bye Janet, and many many thanks for everything.
“There are no stupid questions, Dondi, only lazy people, who don’t ask.”
Janet, you  will stay forever in my heart.

Janet’s Bio from Global Virtual Classroom Website
janet barnstableJanet Barnstable has participated in the GVC programs since its inception in 1996. Now retired, she devotes her time and energies to helping other teachers experience the joys and survive the anguish of International collaborations.
Janet has been involved in International collaborations since the early 90's having begun with an 800 number supplied by the Archdiocease of Chicago and a 300 baud modem! How times have changed!
She and her husband currently live in Addison, which is about 20 miles due west of the City of Chicago. They find joy in their yard and garden and their lovely cat Catherine.

Kathy Zablatnik, Carinthia, Austria
The pain in my heart is undescribable. Janet was my 24/7 mentor, tutor, friend and colleague.. I will deeply miss all the laughs and jokes we shared throughout the last seven years.While refurnituring our homes, we would share pictures  and give each other advice. Whenever I had my “drama queen” sessions or would be spending too much time riding on my emotional rollercoaster, she would be the one, who would give me a real wake-up call. I’m sure all the hlwskypers teachers will carry on teaching with her deep down in their hearts. My students and I miss you Janet!

Marsha Goren, Israel (www.globaldreamers.org)

I can't stop crying. She was my mentor, my friend and a vision of kindness all wrapped up in one.  I wrote her an email every day .My concern from many miles away in Israel told me something was wrong when she was not responding to my communication.. I wrote to my two dear friends Matthew Kuntz and Rick Glass, who are two dear friends that I had never met face to face but only through a project I implemented with the assistance of Janet Barnstable. How sad it is that today is the International Holocaust Day. It is till this day my most sacred project and of course Janet helped me every year in building a unique unit in my Mom's memory. I will be adding 2018 which Janet and I worked on for the last seventeen years. This is who she was a legacy who believed firmly in the power of education and the power of the good in people. May she rest in peace.
Janet helped me with Globaldreamers for years. I believe from 2002 till now. Our last work on the Holocaust is Janet's last work. We wrote every day. We spoke on Skype. She spent hours teaching me and she was so proud. I already miss her. I lost my mentor and my lifelong friend.
In 2006 we spent a week and a half together in San Diego and three days in Chicago. Moshe my husband and I enjoyed our time with her so much.  I feel that there are not enough words to describe how much I admired her and was inspired by her.

Vicki Davis - Camilla, Georgia USA (coolcatteacher.com)
Janet Barnstable was collaborating globally on dial up. A true global collaborative pioneer, connecting kids to the world is what she did. She was a visionary and leader not because she demanded attention or notice for her incredible work, but because she tirelessly helped teachers learn to collaborate one at a time. When I think of servant leadership, I think of Janet Barnstable. She is certainly a global collaborative pioneer in a world that still as yet in 2018 doesn’t understand or comprehend the need to build bridges between school children so that tomorrow we’ll have superhighways of collaboration and peace. Janet will be missed. In this time, I hope that her family knows just how much her life meant to people around the world and that her service is a great testament to a life well lived. Janet will be missed.

Reinhard Marx - Sundern, Germany (skypeinmyclassroom.blogspot.de)
Janet was one of my dearest mentors I ever had concerning international school collaborations. Like she did with other teachers and educators already mentioned here she helped me a lot when I started to get connected around the world and had to face a lot of technical trouble. Maybe you have faced similar problems: you are forced to set up something completely new. Nobody knows how to start, how to arrange everything. Janet was always available with ideas, tipps and helped to solve problems of any  kind.  She joined of lot of my projects I launched the years before and she always did a wonderful job. Sorry, that I had no chance to join any of the whole bunch of students’ projects you set up throughout the years. Now her ideas and creative work will go on in my annual returning work at school. Thank you very much, Janet, and I will keep you in my heart. I am very happy to know you as part of my life. I’ll miss you!
I am very very shocked to hear that our dear Janet and her husband Richard died in a fire accident . When I got an email from Matthew Kuntz our GVC colleague this morning I was numb with grief. How could she go away like that? She was everyone's friend . Whoever knew Janet would say that she was helpful kind friendly a mentor a guide. To me she was all that and much more . We used to call each other SS( Soul Sisters). The Bitmoji attached was created by  her for us.
Whatever I know about global projects was/ is Janet's gift to me. She motivated me. She stood by me like a Rock of Gibraltar.
She and Richard were so devoted to each other that at this moment I can only think of one good thing  about their going away - They went together. I have a pic of their house after they renovated it and replaced the roof.
I still feel she is out there somewhere watching all of us. I can still hear her voice saying “Off to Bed Lakshmi” when she would find me  online trying finish my GVC project. She taught me to adjust accommodate and collaborate.She was Give Something Back personified. You will always stay with me as my guiding star my dear Janet.https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/tYfuak5pbOxRbTBBx9DocQvMSpfBs24gFyu9CKZk-UmDvhAV3V9ad4FiA2MB3vNDTnGI2_5lr1LX5luX4r8pS1G1qW5gxa-y0mARYAkh5vyQJHVXxnytbioEjDhZeL1xgUTl338Thttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wV8aOUsB8CShNe-VgBTuvex7oI1kh2qcPcnF37179f4-J6AInrCdKCjkKEX942kjU-zFa2-itn2arIU1dReBDpFNJxgAi5uxtWr8H1LhbMIcCrPkQ5Wi98eR-G63Lxx-PKpy45DOhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/koGHhqjfrAKNC37SamPjdHSq9UwMg4njoG5_Jxynm77JXS_e3_8NS2_3ZSWlJ9qwTCF_C27PihsaeTFTylVh-QVuFy2BIgD9hdZGZf-9BmH8_-O60QWMDPcWf1i-H22jdaYSJZ5e

Debby Nelson    Illinois, USA
What a horrible shock to read this news. Janet has touched the lives of so many through the GVC program, teachers and students alike. She had just the right balance of high expectations and gentle, patient empathy. I stumbled upon the website contest a few years back, not having a clue what I was doing. She let me in the contest, even though it was a bit past the deadline, and guided me through the process. It was a wonderful experience, and I am proud to have been able to learn and grow in so many ways as a result of her mentoring. I see now, reading all of these wonderful tributes, that Janet’s reach went FAR beyond what I even knew.  Thank you, Janet, for encouraging and connecting us all and sharing with us your knowledge, friendship, and love of learning. You are missed.
Rest in peace.

Matthew Kuntz- Abraham Lincoln ES  Oak Park, Illinois (USA)
I have been friends with Richard and Janet for over 25 years.  I worked with Janet in Oak Park District 97 for many years and she was instrumental in bringing me there in 2002. Janet and Richard were two amazing people, so loving and caring, always there to lend a helping hand or a word or two of encouragement.  I was just at their home a few weeks ago as my daughter Rebecca has just come back from Ghana after six years with our new granddaughter Ellie.  Janet was so excited to see them both.  We had lunch and we all talked for hours- laughing and sharing stories.  When my children were little I would bring them over to Richard and Janet’s home to play in their expansive yard.  The kids loved finding frogs and turtles in their pond and running around their acreage.  Janet and Richard would just beam with joy in seeing the kids laugh and play.  I will paste below a testimony I wrote for Janet for her 2002 Global SchoolNet award.  It summarizes all that she has done for me, the encouragement, the friendship, and the love of global learning she passed on to me.  I will miss them both dearly!  Matt

Matthew Kuntz
Gifted Education Specialist/Teacher

"It is a pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Janet Barnstable. I have learned more about the implementation of technology from Janet than from anyone else in my 16 years of teaching. I have known Janet professionally for more than ten years. I first met Janet at a statewide technology conference that focused on the integration of technology in the classroom. A colleague of mine suggested that I attend one of Janet's sessions- in her words she said, 'Janet is awesome, you will come away with some great ideas.' Janet did just that and more! She gave me many practical ideas that I could use the next day in my classroom. After that, Janet became someone that I would contact constantly for guidance and expertise in the area of technology.
Janet has strongly encouraged me (and thus my class) to get involved in many on-line activities. In 1997, she encouraged me to get involved in the ENTERNET 97 project- a state funded project to get teachers to create on-line learning opportunities for their students. Janet taught me how to create web pages and structure an on-line learning experience. With Janet's guidance I created The H.O.W.L. Project- a project where my students surveyed others from around the world on their thoughts and perceptions of wolves. Janet was there to guide both my students and I every step of the way. It was a great learning experience for all involved and it would not have been possible without Janet. This continued in 1998-99 when Janet encouraged my students and I to get involved in the AT&T Virtual Classroom Contest. I attended a session at the annual statewide technology conference in which Janet explained the many benefits of this contest. Through her guidance we survived our first year and created an award-winning web page with students from Australia and Russia. Janet was of the most assistance with the setting up of teleconferencing between the three counties- using the CU-See Me software. I can honestly say that I would not have taken the risk of getting my students involved and my students would not have reaped the benefits of this project without Janet's guidance and expertise.
I have had the opportunity to see Janet in action- teaching students at District 97's annual Young Technologist Conference. Janet has the knack for getting students excited about technology- through her lessons on tessellations and creating animated GIFs, students have learned the endless possibilities of creating a unique design or animation you can call your very own.
In closing, I can honestly say that without Janet many of the opportunities that I have given my students in the past few years would not have happened. She has the innate ability to inspire others- both students and teachers- to do great things, to reach for higher goals, and to take risks. Janet is a leader in all facets of technology and very deserving of this award."

Grace Finn, Illinois USA
I am saddened by the loss of a fellow technology educator.  I worked at St. Bernadine School in Forest Park over 24 years ago and heard many stories of Janet and her tech savvy skills.  I finally met Janet at an ICE conference about 12 years ago and she encouraged me to have my class participate in Global Virtual Classroom.  I have been involved for ten years and appreciated her friendship, knowledge and support. The educational technology world has lost a great pioneer.

Astrid Ruiz, Missouri USA.
I am so sorry about what happened. I will miss Janet’s advice, guidance and friendship so much.
Janet was an exemplary person and was so passionate about cultures and sharing her knowledge  
I cannot express how much she will be missed. She was one of the reasons I participated every year, from year one to now I have learned so much from her.  Working with Janet and the GVC team inspired me to study technology and education. My first year I struggle with the concept of creating a website and loved the way my school partners helped me and I decided to enrolled my self to attend the university to obtain my degree in educationa and technology.
Rest in Peace dear friend.

Joe McNulty, Newtown Middle School in Newtown, Pennsylvania, USAhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eljr1V--HIn5XhKZlhbBdPxMV1Frx7YM0RN3Jf8Uqs2LQkFKu2qYhN8_gFHQY5anjvNaVy1u6POQ3SRJeBk2kXWyFdRFVxfgjqbxQuygCEdYIdoPIy4Dbg7YT0vdm8nXKAcHtTpA
Janet Barnstable will definitely be missed by this far reaching band of like minded educators who, like her, believe that technology can be used to make our world a smaller and better place.  She was a dedicated colleague and mentor.   Always there for tech support, advice or to share a different perspective.  Her wisdom will be irreplaceable for our group.

For any group to survive, function and grow it needs a sense of itself and its history.  Early on Janet became a sort of curator for our group.  She created our Hello Little World website on November 21st, 2012 and posted our 1st Anniversary Press Release (01-08-2011) to start the page.  Today the site is full of artifacts from our groups dynamic history.  It contains countless videos, links, projects and even pictures from the times when our members were able to meet-up in real life.  

Janet Barnstable will also be remembered as a founding member of the Global Virtual Classroom, a retired teacher from Julian Middle School in the Oak Park Elementary School District 97 in Illinois, and a volunteer with the Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest.  She will be missed in her hometown and by many of us all around the world.

Anne Mirtschin, Hawkesdale P12 College, Victoria, Australia
As a member of HLW Skypers for 10 years, Janet has played a significant role in my learning network. Janet was the cornerstone of HLW Skypers and the glue that often kept the 150 or so global members together.
She was always there to encourage, inspire and motivate us. Janet never stopped teaching or learning. She was a pioneer in the innovative use of technology for global collaboration. I learnt of so many different tools through her and learnt the best ways to use them for connecting or collaborating on a global scale. Janet regularly interacted with our Skype group and helped keep our conversations going 24/7. Always trying to include everyone, Janet introduced shorter projects for the Global Virtual Classroom and my class was finally able to participate last year as the project could be completed within our school year time frame.
 Our latest HLW Skyper group project was a collaborative Flipvideo to celebrate our 10th birthday. It was Janet who started it, encouraged us all to add to it and shared how to use the tool. Janet was a friend and family! She always sent beautiful Janet Lawson Christmas and Easter cards and often a Chinese New Year card (as our school teaches mandarin Chinese). As soon as she knew that ISTE was in Chicago, she invited all HLW Skypers who were attending ISTE to a garden party. I was really looking forward to meeting her face to face. She will be dearly missed as she was always there!

Jen Maley--Colorado, U.S.A.
What a great loss our international educational community faced with the passing of dear Janet. She was truly a pioneer in Global Collaboration and taught many people--students and adults alike. Like others here, I embraced Janet as a mentor and guide as I became involved in the HLW group three years ago. She was always present with a kind smile and a wealth of knowledge and ideas. It warms my heart to see so many people paying tribute to Janet through this collaborative doc. Janet would be proud that we’re all continuing to provide opportunities to our students (and amongst ourselves) to connect to the world outside our walls.

Athalo Carrão - Minas Gerais, Brazil (globalingles.com)
Janet has always been my mentor and a big part of who I am today, as a global teacher, is due to her effort to guide and help me in all the possible ways. She introduced me to Edmodo, invited me to GVC, and complimented me often, giving me strength to move on when things didn’t work out the way I had imagined. It’s a shame, we will miss her fondly, everytime we try to encourage a student to become a global citizen, connected with the world. There was nothing she couldn’t solve with patience, unselfish love, and endurance. She will always be a role model to me and some of my students who also talked to her.

Ellen Smith- Bartlett, IL
I joined Hello Little World skypers a few years ago, and found Janet to be very supportive and patient.  I am not the most tech savvy person, but she was always there to give me some assistance.  This past fall I had the pleasure of meeting Janet and Richard for a luncheon at their home.  We were beginning to plan the ISTE garden party she desired.  She was really looking forward to meeting so many from the HLW skype group.  Janet will be dearly missed, as she was a mentor to so many of us.  I just take some solace knowing she is with Richard and in peace looking down on all of us now.

Effie Kyrikakis - Winners Education School, Athens, Greecehttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PMUz8VRkzcnXO0aDzBeTszF35tc46To3Bzn5fulPr_Hbn9kti--DvEqvihBGQx1WUCE_ApIsRfLUZx8_vfzS__3oUwyeb7SlNCnkbLyjfsFjAOSwV2XAd6pnM4Old0eK-OA-PFo-

Janet Barnstable, a personal mentor to me and a multitude of other educators worldwide, will always be alive in the memories and hearts of all  the hundreds of teachers and students her warm smile and generous heart has touched.

Janet recognised the power of global collaboration in shaping young people's perspective as global citizens and the huge potential of technology towards this cause.  Despite her health challenges, she devoted all her time and energy to facilitate global projects with knowledge, patience and generosity acting as a mentor for teachers and children from around the globe encouraging creativity and excellence as the global manager and facilitator of the Global Virtual Classroom projects, carving connections between schools through our beloved HLW group, encouraging collaborations between educators, shaping the future.

Her  tragic death is a huge personal loss and, I know very well, a loss for  all the educators around the globe she called her friends. Janet leaves behind a legacy of generosity, gratitude, innovation, excellence and inspiration that will light the way forward for all of us.
Janet deserves to be remembered with a smile.  Please  enjoy the videos of one of her many happy virtual visits to our school in Greece and one of the global collaboration projects she helped us organise with schools from two different continents.

A tribute from the GVC team

GVCTeachers and Friends

It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news of Janet Barnstable’s passing. Janet and her beloved husband, Richard, died tragically in a fire in their home in Addison, Illinois on January 22nd. We are shocked and deeply saddened by this news.

It is hard to find the words to adequately express our feelings of gratitude, respect, admiration, and our love for Janet.

We first met Janet in 2000 in Hong Kong as she accompanied her students from the Percy Jullian Middle School to join with their
teammates from Tokyo and Sydney to accept the Grand Prize in the ATT Virtual Classroom Program (the precursor to the now Global Virtual Classroom Program).

We had no idea then that we would be privileged to learn, work, laugh, and collaborate with Janet for 17 years. She was involved with the GVC since its inception in 1996. After 48 years of a distinguished teaching career, Janet accepted the role of GVC Program Manager in 2010.

She touched our lives deeply as she has thousands of students and teachers from all around the world. She personified giving back to others.

Over the years, many teachers have shared their reflections about the impact Janet had on them. Here are just a few: “I think I have learned more about online learning and collaboration from Janet than anyone else I’ve ever met.” “She has a knack for inspiring those around her to do great things.” “She is an inspiration to students at all educational levels.” “She generously and patiently shares her knowledge and expertise.” “She was unbelievably helpful and I can guarantee that we would never have succeeded without her.” “I have never met anyone as accommodating and thoughtful as Janet.” “She has the innate ability to inspire others—both students and teachers—to do great things, to reach for higher goals, and to take risks.” “Many times she told me that when she started as a young educator, others assisted her and she wants to see educators working in technology to share knowledge to create good citizens and a better world.” “The students have learned to share their cultures, their hopes but above all have realized that children everywhere have the same dreams.”

Janet leaves an amazing legacy. She was a global collaborative pioneer, an inspiring teacher, a caring mentor, and a wonderful friend. She will be sorely missed.

Our hope is that we will all continue to be inspired by her example and give back to others and make her proud.

Louise Morgan, Fort Worth, TX
My mentor and friend, Janet Barnstable, passed away in a tragic fire over a week ago and I am still trying to come to terms with it. I have known Janet since 2011 but I never met her face to face. We were friends on Skype through a dynamic group of global educators known as the Hello Little Skypers.  She was using tech in the classroom and collaborating globally with her students in the early 1990’s  - long before many of us even considered doing this in our classrooms! My students participated in several Global Virtual Classroom projects and she was always on hand to advise  and Skype with my students. I will miss her dearly. Some of the HLW members planned to convene at Janet’s house this summer for a garden party during ISTE18. Instead, it will be a gathering in her honor to celebrate a long life of service and friendship. Life IS short - Carpe diem my friends!

Theresa Allen, Instructional Tech Director, Joliet, IL
Janet was a constant for me in the world of Global education.  When I left teaching 2 ½ years ago, we continued to stay in touch and share thoughts and experiences through email, Google+ and Skype.  Even though her legs couldn’t take her far, her heart, mind and soul was always with us, traveling around the world.  I was fortunate to meet her, Richard and Catherine a few years ago with David, Anna, and Mikal and we enjoyed her tranquil house and admired her electric car!  I had 4 groups participate in the GVC and one group actually won 1st place - Janet was always there to answer questions and guide if needed.  I really hope we can do something special at ISTE2018 so that her legacy continues in some way.  She cannot be forgotten.

VERONICA WOO EU  CHENG,  GVC AND hlwskypers Member
( Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, MALAYSIA )
Email address :  veronicawoo2002@yahoo.co.uk

Across the miles here in Malaysia, it deeply shocked and saddened me to learn about the sudden tragic death of Janet Barnstable together with her husband, Richard in late January, 2018.  Janet will definitely be dearly missed and remembered.  It was in 2012 that I first got to know her through my school participation in the Global Virtual Classroom GVC Web Design Contest.

Indeed, as the GVC Project Manager, Janet was one person with a big heart who had taken education to the next level.  With her vast knowledge, experience and expertise in ICT, she had helped us, teachers and students in schools around the world, to reshape and redefine education.   Her work via websites created by her such as Hello Little World https://sites.google.com/site/skypershello/projects and Global Virtual Classroom http://www.virtualclassroom.org/ bears testimony to the wonderful platforms she had set up to bridge the connections for educators and schools around the world.

In the hlwskypers group founded by Katherine Zatblanik from Austria, she was always a pro- active participant who was always going the extra mile to do what she could to help us out. Above all, she was a good mentor, warm, friendly, patient and generously offering sound advice on all things ICT to us.  At 78 years old, her ICT skills were definitely one that not many could match up to, even the younger ones.   She was indeed an inspiration to us!

In fact, in one of my past emails to her, I told her how I wish I could visit America one day so that I could visit her and Richard, her husband. And to this, she replied and told me that I could drop by at her place and that Richard was a good cook!

Though I have never seen her face-to-face before, there will always be a special place in my heart for Janet especially now that she is gone and no longer with us!  Janet, we know you are up there watching us and we will definitely not disappoint you.  The meaningful and purposeful conversations here among educators in this global village will definitely not cease but continue to go on and on.

If ever there is an ICT in Education award locally or abroad to recognize one’s wonderful work and contributions towards ICT and education, I will definitely nominate Janet Barnstable!  It is high time the world gets to know of this great teacher and educator who had truly inspired us globally!!  Her legacy must live on!!!      

Janet Barnstable, our Webmaster, and her partner Richard Sebring, perished in a fire on January 22, 2018 in their home in Addison.  Janet was a retired Technology teacher from Julian Jr. High and before joining D97 she taught Kindergarten at St. Bernadine Elementary School in Forest Park.  Janet was a pioneer in the use of technology in education.  Many District 97 teachers received instruction from her on how to use technology in their classrooms in a variety of ways.  She was recognized as a technology leader on a statewide and global level.  Her students still remember the projects they created in her middle school classes.  Janet showed them the techniques and then allowed them to follow wherever their creativity led them.  She was very involved with the Global Virtual Classroom.  We are all stunned by our loss.

Mikhail Bukhtoyarov and Anna Bukhtoyarova - Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Janet was the person who inspired our community of teachers. Her understanding of the profession and her commitment to the very idea of education for the whole world were something that cannot be forgotten. The tragic news about Janet and Richard’s death struck us deeply. Back in 2013 we together with David and Theresa had a meeting in their lovely house. We will never forget Richard’s hospitality and thoughtful conversations with Janet. These two amazing people will always remain in our hearts.

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D97, world mourns retired Julian teacher

Janet Barnstable was a 'pioneer' of online learning

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Staff Reporter

Community members in Oak Park, and educators all over the world, are mourning a former Julian Middle School teacher and Golden Apple award winner who died in a fire at her home in Addison on Jan. 23.
Janet Barnstable, 76, was reportedly inside the house with Richard Sebring, 76, when it caught fire. As of Jan. 30, the local fire department was still investigating the cause. Neighbors identified Sebring, who also died in the fire, as Barnstable's husband although a Daily Herald reporter said that he could find no legal documents confirming the marriage.
Barnstable had taught at Julian Middle School for 16 years until her retirement 2010, according to her LinkedIn profile.
For the last eight years, she had been program manager of the Global Virtual Classroom — a "free online educational program to promote communication, collaboration and understanding among students around the world," according to its website.
Barnstable was such a presence in the global virtual classroom community that not long after news of her death surfaced, someone had created a Google document compiling reactions and tributes from "GVC teachers and friends" — from Australia to Greece to Oak Park.
Ann Mirtschin, an online instructor from Victoria, Australia, described Barnstable as "the cornerstone" and the "glue that often kept the 150 or so global members together." Mirtschin added that the late teacher was a "pioneer in the innovative use of technology for global collaboration."
Effie Kyrikakis, from Athens, Greece, said that Barnstable was a mentor to her and "a multitude of other educators worldwide."
And Matthew Kuntz, a gifted education specialist and teacher with Oak Park Elementary Schools District 97, described Barnstable as a friend of over 25 years. Kuntz described Barnstable and Sebring as "two amazing people, so loving and caring, always there to lend a helping hand or a word or two of encouragement."
Kuntz said that he had just visited their home a few weeks ago.
"We had lunch and we all talked for hours — laughing and sharing stories," he stated. "When my children were little I would bring them over to Richard's and Janet's home to place in their expansive yard. The kids loved finding frogs and turtles in their pond and running around their acreage."
On Friday, D97 officials released a statement on Barnstable's death.
"We were shocked and saddened to learn about the passing of Janet Barnstable," the statement reads. "Janet was a passionate and dedicated educator who had a profoundly positive and lasting impact on our students, our schools and our community. Our thoughts are with her loved ones during this difficult time."
So far, funeral arrangements are still pending. 